Xmirror Security Partner

Work together with partners to open up the ten-billion-level blue ocean market, jointly help enterprises to land DevSecOps, and realize the integrated growth of customer business and security.

Why choose us?

Leading DevSecOps security technology and products

Leaders in DevSecOps, development security, IAST, and more

Many years of large-scale party A front-line implementation experience and widely praised

Professional and mature one-stop application security solution

Join Partners you can get

Beta versions and training resources

  • Exclusive beta products for suspension safety partners
  • Provide training resources for partner marketing personnel
  • Attendance tickets are provided for the safe holding and participation of the conference

Program integration and sales promotion

  • Xmirror experts for the integration of the two sides of the full scene design
  • Partner brands are exposed on the official website and we-media platform
  • Xmirror experts help partners to provide on-site consultation for customers

Business planning and consulting services

  • Help partners to develop the implementation of the market plan
  • Hold cooperation meetings to ensure that the value of cooperation is transmitted
  • Provide feedback, suggestions and effective access to resources
